Sunday, April 15, 2012

How to Make your Site Pop

Appearance of the website does the major task of making the site Pop. Great web design allows the website to stand out in the crowd. On browsing the net, it is found that some sites pop out from the rest. These gain extra edge because of systematic design and interesting setting of the content. Making clear the concept around which the site is woven defines the success of the web design. Applying various themes to the template evolves into an interesting concept that keeps the visitors enthralled for a long time. What is the magic trick to make the site a cut above the rest? Let's find out:

Keep the Mind Very Clear

It is important to understand the concept in crystal clear fashion. Systematic flow of content and cascading effect in the pattern of contents can be achieved only by a creative mind that is free on any confusion. Purpose should be well understood and themes conceived should be in sync with the purpose for which the website is launched. Various links, user interfaces and interesting pop ups here and there provide an edgy look to the site. Minds that are capable of understanding the customer' preferences in the right light can produce user-friendly site effortlessly.

Story boarding

Putting ideas in a systematic fashion can be well achieved by the sequential pacing of the contents that is similar to arranging the characters and events of a story on a board in a logical sequence. How to present the ideas to achieve the aspirations of the owner of website is the cream of the web designing. Internet is the best resource to get a clue about the presentation techniques followed by other space occupiers. Customer's purview is another important aspect to incorporate ideas while presenting the ideas through website.

Keep the Site Updated

If the content of the site are not going through updations then site is likely to become obsolete. It will be the complete failure of all the efforts put to construct the website. Hence, keeping the site in accordance with the changes experienced by the owner is very much essential to maintain the sanctity of the website.


It is the spine of the website. No site will win popularity if the contents are not published in readable font. It is very important to choose an interesting font to display the contents friendly to the users' eyes. Visual appeal is the starting point of the visitor's journey. It has to have an everlasting impact on the visitor with the use of proper fonts. Presenting the content in a comprehensive font is thus important to inspire the visitor to fathom through the relevant portions of the website.

Color Scheme and Pictures

The simpler is the color combination, the more authentic feel it imparts to the look of the site. Using simpler color combination is believed to be indicative of the serious thinking that has gone into the promotion of product or idea. Site's purpose should never take the back seat when decorating it with fanciful images and color combinations. Contextual images presented in sober and credible color schemes make the site Pop. The most visited sites of the season are the live examples to understand the role played by color and graphics in hitting the popularity charts.


It is important to attain uniformity throughout the website. Keeping the background theme consistent in all pages provide an integral appeal to the website. White or light colored background is a common suggestion to design the consistent website. Minor changes at regular intervals may attract the visitors but care should be taken to avoid overdoing the changes. Overhauling every week may create confusion and dislike in the minds of prospective customers.

Simple Navigation and Site Size

Site should be wide enough to fit in most of the screens. Navigation should be simple and requiring less scrolling. Unnecessary pop-ups may interrupt the flow of the theme. Vertical navigation is ganing more popularity among the current users.

All the above tips can be of great help to win the much-needed patrons for the website. Keeping the website ahead of many other similar ones requires little effort but huge dedication. Love to be at the to of the priority list of the visitors is the only driving force to deliver the best.

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